Cricket Matters Services

Our mission is to help cricketers get fitter, stronger and stay pain-free. Here’s our comprehensive range of services designed to help you do that.

Here’s What We Do

Explore our comprehensive list of strength and conditioning services for cricketers that cater to a variety of needs, and budgets.

Strength and Conditioning for Cricketers | Cricket Matters

S&C for Cricketers

Step on to the field with confidence. Our strength and conditioning programme for cricketers is more than training—it’s a professional upgrade. Precision-tailored for ultimate performance, it blends elite fitness, bespoke nutrition, and smart injury prevention. This is training like the pros.


Injury Rehab for Cricketers

Bounce back stronger. Our Injury Rehab for cricketers isn’t just about recovery; it’s a path to resilience.

Expertly tailored to rebuild and enhance your cricketing prowess, this programme is your comeback story, written in strength and strategy.

Injury Rehab for Cricketers | Cricket Matters
Strength and Conditioning for Cricket Teams

S&C for Cricket Teams

Maximise your team’s potential, minimise costs with our S&C solutions for cricket teams.

Tailored to offer highly personalised training to players at half the cost of hiring a full-time professional, our service is the astute choice for teams aspiring for elite level fitness and skill enhancement.

It’s more than outsourcing; it’s upgrading to a cost-effective, elite performance strategy.


Nutrition Coaching for Cricketers

Transform your game with our bespoke nutrition coaching for cricketers. It’s not just about diet; it’s about crafting a personalised fuel strategy that elevates your performance on the pitch.

This is nutrition redefined – smart, tailored, and essential for cricketing excellence, all at a cost that’s as efficient as our advice.

Nutrition Coaching for Cricketers | Cricket Matters
Pro Players Programme Cricket Matters

Pro Players Programme

S&C coaching for male and female cricketers aspiring to train like professionals without the one-on-one coaching budget.

This programme perfectly blends strength, conditioning, mobility, and flexibility. It adapts seamlessly to your playing season, offering a balanced approach to help you become a more athletic cricketer.


Mobility Pro Programme

Introducing ‘Mobility Pro’, a bespoke, affordable, mobility and flexibility programme crafted for cricketers.

Designed to integrate seamlessly with your playing and training schedule, it focuses on improving movement, enhancing flexibility, improving recovery, and reducing pain.

This programme is your key to moving better on the field, ensuring you play with greater ease and less discomfort.

Mobility Pro Programme | Cricket Matters

Client Reviews

We Get It – Cricket is Hard on the Body

We understand the intricacies and demands of the game.

From the physical exertion of long hours on the field to the mental stress of maintaining consistent performance.

Cricket poses unique challenges. That’s why we’re committed to providing personalised strength and conditioning coaching and support to help you overcome these hurdles and excel on the field.

Years in Business
Workouts Created
Clients Trained
Results Guaranteed
James Breese: Strength and Conditioning Expert at Cricket Matters

Train Smarter. Perform Better.

We understand the complexity of cricket—from scoring runs and taking wickets to dealing with injuries and maintaining fitness.

Our holistic training services, which include personalised strength and conditioning coaching, nutrition coaching, and rehabilitation programs, are specifically designed with cricketers in mind.

This is strength and conditioning for cricketers by cricketers.

Our mission is to help you score more runs, take more wickets and ensure your longevity in the game you love the most.

– James Breese, Cricket Matters Founder

Would You Like Some Help?

If you’re a cricketer looking to get fitter, stronger or even pain free, book your FREE Strategy Call today with a Cricket Matters expert. Let’s see how we can help you perform better. Guaranteed.

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